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This story took place. In one’s neighborhood tavern city Dickins rest beautiful and tasty girls. One of them is a forest elf that is sexy. She arrived back out of a deer hunt and decided to relax a bit. The chick’s a Sukubbus. She hunts individuals and kills them from absorbing energy from dead bodies. Another gal is a mage. So, your main mission in this flash game is to give the damsels some beer. So as to interact with all the game items use the mouse. Pour beer in the ladies to get them tipsy. However, be immensely cautious. In the event the women drink too much beer, then the consequences will be unpredictable. And you have to give the dolls a few drinks to have fuck-fest with them. With a single damsel or all at the same time. It is up to you. The important thing is not to give them too much alcohol to keep the chicks awake. Let us commence the joy.